Tuesday, 17 March 2009

If your father is not a minister...

I haven't written anything for a while, so I feel like I should. The truth is that these days I am not able to put in words my thoughts: I have been too busy living. Rushing around, commuting working and planning lessons, but also going out, shopping, seeing new places and trying new drinks. Also, worrying about my future or imaging where our lives will be after South Korea. 

I wanted to write about all of this, but then, every time, all my thoughts get stuck just a bit before reaching the white screen. Then, today I got a kinda inspiration while I was reading the news in La Repubblica and I definitely think this deserves to be mentioned. 

In the page Repubblica.it TV a banner advert with a blinking light caught my attention as there was written: "SE TUO PAPA' NON E' UN MINISTRO, TUO ZIO UN VESCOVO, COMUNQUE HAI SEMPRE JOBS.IT"- "if your dad is not a minister or your uncle a bishop, there is always Jobs.it"(not entirely sure about the name of the site, can't quite remember).

So sad: I have been working as a journalist in Italy for many years without being paid a cent. As soon as I moved to UK and started writing I got paid straightaway. The same in South Korea. Now that I want to feel free to write on my own native language, I sadly realize that nothing has changed. 

The banner made me laugh, though. Clever who made it.